Tim Bohlke » // writings

Take the Current When it Serves

I was catching some needed “space” today. A few hours of quiet at my favorite coffee house in a neighboring city. I was needing some inspiration, some quiet, some direction for the months ahead. Heading into today, I felt myself getting frustrated. I am not really sure at who, but part of me really needed to hear something specific — to get some nudging from God on the next steps I need to take.

Then the thought came to me… have you done the things you already know you need to do? Have you taken the steps and moved toward the things that you already have some direction on?
So I found a couple of my most recent journals and began to remind myself of some things that had come to mind over the last year. There was plenty there for me to think about and explore, and I was reminded of several steps I needed to take, things that were already on my mind, already on my radar, things that I know I need to create some movement on. As I re-read some of what I have written over the last year, I wondered why God would need to give me more until I responded to what was already there. I am also thinking some of this stuff is going to be hard work; it is going to require a ton of energy and passion to see it through.
Not sure where I saw this, but I am reminded as well of a Shakespeare quote I stumbled across a while back. “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries. On such a full sea we are now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”
That quote hits home today, and it seems pretty profound. So I am going to read on in my journal and see what else I have missed.  Time to listen, watch, and ready myself to…  take the tide when it serves.
I hope to see you there as well.
Rick HeinJanuary 23, 2014 - 4:43 pm

Wow Tim, quoting Shakespeare, I’m very impressed! Good stuff, thanks!

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