So, as you consider taking this whole day of extended time in quiet and solitude, remember…
There is no doubt that a dangerous vision, a dangerous hope, dangerous steps of faith, dangerous contentment and deep peace will be birthed in these extended times of quiet. If you can develop this rhythm of quiet and solitude, I believe you will be dangerous to an enemy as well. If you develop the regular practice of taking time to be alone and quiet before God, you will have a much better chance of living with rhythm and staying the course in your faith and ministry, at work and with your family. You will be ready to step into whatever God has in store for you and you will be much better equipped to finish well.
I recently read about a doctor who was tired, overworked and entrenched in long hours treating multiple patients. He found himself ordering more and more tests, hoping that the tests would somehow produce the answers that previous training, experience and intuition should produce. Without rest, quiet, and the right amount of margin in his schedule, he had lost the ability to use his experience and his intuition as he needed to.
The same can be true for us. If we fail to practice quiet, it can get very hard to hear and identify that “still small voice” we so desperately need. With no margin, that intuitive ability that others need from us can get dull or be lost completely. It happened in my journey, and if I had continued to follow the path I was on, if would have cost me a job and likely my family. You are at risk as well. We will get weary in the doing no matter how great the cause, and in our weariness we may turn to everything else but the Source for direction and help. That is the place where another kind of danger can set it.
Psalm 91:1 says “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” I hope that you will find a way to rest, find refuge and hear clearly the voice of God. I hope you will find a needed harbor — a place of deep connection — that will give you strength for the weeks, months, and years ahead. I hope that you will learn to trust your intuition, and most importantly, to trust the voice of God as you hear it.