When was the last time your tank was really full? A time when you could say I am right where I need to be. I’m not looking elsewhere. I’m not restless or thinking about something else. A time when you where just fully in the moment, and you sensed you were gaining some much-needed energy
It is something we talk to guys in leadership about all the time. In order to lead, to engage people, to have a life of deep impact, it is critical that we are leading from a place of strength.
One of the things I have neglected over the years is recognizing this truth: To be a effective leader, we must lead with strength and courage, steadiness and balance. To do that well, our lives need to take on a certain “weightiness” — a weightiness that comes from a full tank. So I have found myself thinking lately about those things that really fill my tank: The things I love, that I’m passionate about. The things that actually give me energy, not take it away. Things that are just plain fun. When I have neglected these things, I have trended toward coasting, drifted toward becoming mediocre and even feeling some entitlement.
Recently I had a number of tank-filling experiences converge. I had just finished a RHYTHMinTWENTY gathering in San Diego with a great group of young leaders from all over the country. Even though those days take a ton of work and so much goes into them, they are incredibly life-giving. When I’m at a Rhythm event, I feel like I’m right in the middle of what I should be doing. After the gathering, my son stayed on and we hit some sights, including a Cubs/Padres game at Petco Park. It was a collision of so many things I love and am passionate about: time with the family, sports, time on the Mission Beach boardwalk, time with some awesome young leaders, working with great leadership teams for Rhythm and Rogue, San Diego..
I came back from those few days, NOT spent, but with a full tank.
So what is it for you? What brings you life? What energizes you? What fills you up? Make a bucket list for the summer. I bet you will see some huge impact as a result..
How in the world can you get a full tank by watching the Cubs??? Those of us in STL would kindly (and maybe not so kindly) disagree. Next time you’re in town (and I saw that you recently were) let me know and we’ll take in a game, it would be fun. Hope all the family is doing well.