Tim Bohlke » // writings

Finding Direction

I was taking some extended time of solitude and space this morning in one of my favorite places.

I wished it was this place!, but today I had to settle  for a lodge in eastern Nebraska to escape the cold.

But as I sat in some extended time, I found myself reminded of just how important it is to fight for this time to quiet down and listen. This morning , my mind  did wander to one of my favorite places on the planet… Crested Butte, Colo.

  • It might be because it is so darn cold outside, and I am already sick of winter… and I found myself daydreaming about this great place where I often find adventure, and the clarity I so often need.
  • It might be because I have felt myself stuck lately… frustrated, disappointed in God, angry about some of our current circumstances.
  • It might be because I have wondered why God so often seems  quiet and uninvolved, and I found myself asking why he seems to make it so hard to find Him. And lately I have struggled with the role of prayer and questioning if it even makes a difference.

Mostly this morning I just felt like I needed to hear something from Him.  So as I sat ,I recalled a time last summer when some things came to me in a very clear way. With 2015 under way, it seemed like the right time for me  to look this over again, and see if there is anything I need to do. It strikes me that in some ways I already have some direction. Why would He give me more until I have taken some needed steps?

Whatever the case, this post from last July was worth another look for me this morning……..



July 10, 2014
As I have sought out some wide open spaces this summer, I have been challenging myself with some questions. And the first one I have wrestled with seems pretty foundational. It’s a simple question, but not easy to think through, and, it strikes me as significant right now: What do I want out of life?

There likely are many ways to answer that question, and sometimes the words don’t come easily. I could look at how I spend my time, how I spend my money, or what I spend my time thinking about. But the answer I think needs to come from a deeper place.

So I spent some time in one of my favorite places on the planet, Crested Butte, Colorado. I found myself wrestling with and thinking about what I want from this next season of life. And like the rush of the waterfall I was staring at, a few things came to mind very fast:

  • I want to keep pursuing the mystery of God wherever that takes me.
  • I want to keep seeking out beautiful places. I want to take them in; to be still and really soak in those moments.
  • I want to fight for, cheer-lead and encourage my kids and my wife to chase their dreams.
  • I want to fight for the dreams of others, and help them take the steps they need.
  • I want whatever years I have to count. I want them to matter. I want to make a difference.
  • I want to inspire others to be quiet, to listen, and to keep chasing the “wild goose,” the “holy wind”.
  • I want adventure and challenge, and friends to seek those out with.
  • I don’t want to settle.
  • I want to laugh, to travel, and somehow to write and capture the crazy thoughts God seems to give me, and hope those words can encourage others.
  • I don’t want to get stuck in disappointments and struggle.
  • I want to take steps that seem impossible.

It’s a simple enough question, but a question that will could impact my life in a big way. Consider finding a great spot, a quiet place, maybe a spot on the water, and ask yourself the same question. You may be surprised at what comes to mind.

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